The ex-vivo uterine activity of Theobroma cacao aqueous seed extract and Cymbopogon citratus aqueous leaf extract was investigated on non-pregnant mouse uteri. The effect of T. cacao ( mg/mL) and C. citratus ( mg/mL) on spontaneous uterine contractility and in the presence of oxytocin ( nM) was examined Composing Research Papers on Chocolate is so much easier and fun when you have an aptly written example piece right in front of you. Fortunately, blogger.com offers you unlimited access to free Chocolate Research Papers database you can utilize to thrive in the writing craft. Each Research Paper example can serve as a source of motivation for engaging topic ideas; This research study was carried out to produce quality biscuits using finger millet and cocoa powder with. different recipes of the following ingredients. Biscuits prepared from different recipes vs T1- Wheat flour +. Cocoa powder, T2- Finger millet + Wheat flour + Cocoa powder, T3- Finger millet + Soaked Kasakasa seeds
Chocolate health benefits, history and other things to know | CNN
Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. Cocoa contains more phenolic antioxidants than most foods. Flavonoids, including catechin, epicatechin, and procyanidins predominate in antioxidant activity. The epicatechin content of cocoa is primarily responsible for its favorable impact on vascular endothelium via its effect on both acute and chronic upregulation of nitric oxide production.
Other cardiovascular effects are mediated through anti-inflammatory effects of cocoa polyphenols, and modulated through the activity of NF-κB. Antioxidant effects of cocoa may directly influence insulin resistance and, in turn, reduce risk research papers chocolate diabetes.
Further, cocoa consumption may stimulate changes in redox-sensitive signaling pathways involved in gene expression and the immune response. Cocoa can protect nerves from research papers chocolate and inflammation, protect the skin from oxidative damage from UV radiation in topical preparations, and have beneficial effects on satiety, cognitive function, and mood, research papers chocolate.
As cocoa is predominantly consumed as energy-dense chocolate, potential detrimental effects of overconsumption exist, including increased risk research papers chocolate weight gain. Overall, research to date suggests that the benefits of moderate cocoa or dark chocolate consumption likely outweigh the risks. Redox Signal. C hocolate is best known as an indulgent confection, but historically it has also been consumed for its purported healing properties Foods and beverages made from beans from the Theobroma cacao tree cocoa, cacao have been consumed by humans since at least as early as AD The medicinal uses of cacao or chocolate either as a primary remedy or as a vehicle to deliver other medicines originated in Mesoamerica, research papers chocolate, where it was consumed by indigenous peoples, and diffused to Europe in the mids.
Between the 16th and 20th centuries, well over uses for cacao or chocolate, as a medical treatment, have been documented Among these, three applications are most common: i to induce weight gain in emaciated patients; ii to stimulate the nervous system; and iii to improve digestion and elimination The prevalence of hypertension among the Kuna islanders is very low 2. The population also experiences lower rates of diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction, research papers chocolate, stroke, and cancer than mainland Panamanians Among Kuna who have migrated to urban areas on mainland Panama, the prevalence of hypertension is higher McCullough et al.
have hypothesized that the high intake of a traditional cocoa beverage may be partly responsible for the low incidence of cardiovascular disease among the Kuna islanders Compared to Kuna living in a suburb of Panama City, those still living on the remote islands consume twice as much fruit, four times as much fish, and 10 times as much cocoa Blood pressure and prevalence of hypertension among island-dwelling and mainland Kuna Indians, research papers chocolate. Reprinted with permission from Hollenberg The majority of research on chocolate and cocoa has taken place over the last decade 41 and has primarily focused on the relationship between cocoa consumption and cardiovascular risk.
More recent research has provided insights research papers chocolate the possible benefits of cocoa consumption on other organ systems. This review will discuss the reported physiologic effects of cocoa consumption and possible mechanisms by which they might occur.
Worldwide, chocolate consumption ranges from 0. The United States falls somewhere in the middle of this range, with per capita annual consumption of 5. The largest cocoa bean producing country in the world is Côte d'Ivoire, which produced 1. Cocoa, or cacao, is the dried and fully fermented fatty seed of the fruit of the cocoa tree, Theobroma cacao Cocoa liquor is the paste made from ground, roasted, shelled, and fermented cocoa beans, called nibs.
It contains both nonfat cocoa solids and cocoa butter. Cocoa powder is made by removing some of the cocoa butter from the liquor. Chocolate is a solid food made by combining cocoa liquor with cocoa butter and sugar. The proportion of cocoa liquor in the final product determines how dark the chocolate is.
Milk chocolate is made with the addition of condensed or powdered milk to the chocolate mixture Cocoa liquor is a complex food and contains many bioactive compounds. Research papers chocolate butter contains significant amounts of fatty acids, research papers chocolate, whereas the nonfat cocoa solids contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and polyphenols.
The oil in cacao, referred to as cocoa butter, is a mixture of monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids. In the monounsaturated fraction, oleic acid predominates, as it does in olive oil The majority of the saturated fatty acids are palmitic acid and stearic acid. In general, saturated fatty acid consumption has been associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease as saturated fatty acids elevate research papers chocolate cholesterol and LDL 10 A single meal containing relatively high levels of saturated fat may destabilize coronary plaque and impair endothelial function, Stearic acid is unusual in that it does not elevate research papers chocolate lipid research papers chocolate to the same degree that other saturated fatty acids do Thus, research papers chocolate, whereas shorter-chain saturated fatty acids such as myristic acid and palmitic acid are associated with increased LDL and atherogenesis, stearic acid is not 32, Although the lipid content of chocolate is relatively high, one-third of the lipids in cocoa butter is stearic acidwhich is believed to be nonatherogenic and to exert a neutral cholesterolemic response in humans The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee specifically acknowledged stearic acid's unusual nature and has recommended that it be considered separately from cholesterol-raising fats Although the bran of the cocoa bean is high in fiber, and its consumption has been shown to improve the LDL:HDL ratio, much of the bran is lost in processing Still, some fiber remains in commercial cocoa products, though there is a wide range of fiber content.
The majority of fiber in cocoa is insoluble Although soluble fiber is noted for reducing serum cholesterol 1971 research papers chocolate, total dietary fiber is recognized as important for weight maintenance, research papers chocolate, and insoluble fiber has been associated with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes The cocoa bean contains several minerals necessary for vascular function, research papers chocolate.
Dietary magnesium, copper, potassium, and calcium all reduce risk of hypertension and atherosclerosis Magnesium is a cofactor in protein synthesis, muscle relaxation, and energy production Magnesium is an antiarrhythmic and hypotensive hypotensive 43653research papers chocolate, 87, Copper is a cofactor for a number of enzymes and is required for processes, including iron transport, research papers chocolate, glucose metabolism, infant growth, and brain development Copper deficiency can lead to anemia and pancytopenia, causing hypertension, research papers chocolate, and myocardial hypertrophy Copper deficiency has been linked to glucose intolerance, research papers chocolate, cardiac arrhythmia, and hypercholesterolemia in animals and humans ; however, elevated copper status may also be harmful.
High serum copper concentration is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular deathall-cause, cancer, and cardiovascular mortality Despite the potential detrimental effects of excess copper, the research papers chocolate of copper deficiency is, research papers chocolate, nevertheless, important for the maintenance of cardiovascular health.
Because a kcal serving of chocolate would need to be consumed to reach the RDA for research papers chocolate, it is unlikely that chocolate consumption would elevate serum copper concentrations to harmful levels. Dietary potassium may protect against hypertension caused by excess sodium intake 8.
Low potassium intake has been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular mortality Iron Fe deficiency is one of the most important nutritional problems in the world A tablespoon of unsweetened research papers chocolate powder contains more iron than milk chocolate, but less than solid dark chocolate 0.
Single servings of cocoa and cocoa products contain more phenolic antioxidants than most research papers chocolate Table 1and more procyanidins than the average amount consumed by Americans per day Flavanol Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Various Foods and Beverages a.
Reprinted with permission from Steinberg et al. Cocoa contains a number of polyphenolic compounds, but it is particularly rich in flavonoids—specifically, research papers chocolate, also called flavanols.
Flavanols form complexes with salivary proteins and are responsible for the bitterness of cocoa 13 Although flavanols impart a research papers chocolate astringent flavor to foods, the flavor is frequently masked in chocolates by aggressive processing and the addition of other flavors.
Estimates vary, but in one research papers chocolate, the average total flavanol content of commercially available dark chocolate was more than five times that of milk chocolate Table 2 summarizes the polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity of selected commercially available cocoa products.
Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Selected Commercially Available Cocoa Products. The main flavanols found in cocoa are epicatechin and catechin, and procyanidins Table 2. Procyanidins provide the majority of antioxidant activity in cocoa products Caffeine is also present in small amounts 0.
Theobromine has antioxidant activity similar to caffeine and relatively little stimulating effect on the central nervous system Flavonoids research papers chocolate of two aromatic carbon rings, benzopyran A and C rings and benzene B ring Fig. A full listing of flavonoids and other phenols in cocoa is provided in Table 3. C 15 C 6 -C 3 -C 6 Flavonoid basic skeleton with high multifunctional activities including free radical scavenging, metal ion chelating, and enzyme inhibiting.
The tricyclic structure of the flavonoids determines their antioxidant and possibly pro-oxidant effects; phenolic-quinoid tautomerism and the delocalization of electrons over the aromatic system scavenge reactive oxygen species Fig. Enzymes inhibited by cocoa flavonoids include xanthene oxidase, NADPH-oxidase, tyrosine kinases, and protein kinases Cocoa intake increases serum antioxidant capacity, protecting the endothelium from oxidative stress and endogenous ROS Flavonoids, flavanols, and their oligomeric derivatives, procyanidins, have a variety of beneficial physiologic actions.
Flavonoids have a number of properties that may contribute to their cardioprotective effects, including antioxidant and antiplatelet activity, immunoregulatory properties, and beneficial effects on the endothelium The epicatechin content of cocoa is primarily responsible for its favorable impact on vascular endothelium, which is the result of both acute and chronic upregulation of nitric oxide production Epicatechins improve vascular function, research papers chocolate, reduce BP, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce platelet activity Epicatechin in cocoa quenches OH· times more effectively than mannitol, a typical OH· scavenger Food products with significant antioxidant properties, such as green tea 79degrade in antioxidant activity over time.
Hurst et al. Based on these results, Hurst posited that gallated flavanols epigallocatechingallate [EGCG] and ECG; found in green tea may be more susceptible to oxidation in relation to epicatechin Independent of their antioxidant effects, plant polyphenols also promote the vasodilating factors nitric oxide NOprostacyclin, and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor and inhibit pro-angiogenic factors endothelin-1 and vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF Cocoa is one of many food sources of substances that increase the production or bioavailability of endothelial nitric oxide.
Other sources include grapes and berries, red wine, black and green tea, soy beans, pomegranates, olive oil, fish oil, and garlic The vasodilatory response to cocoa flavanols is dependent on NO and can be reversed by blocking nitric oxide synthesis Endothelium-derived NO regulates vasodilation and the environment of the blood vessel walland is therefore critical for vascular function.
Effects of dark chocolate according to science: tracking my chocolate consumption for over a year
, time: 11:09Research Paper on Chocolate | blogger.com

Composing Research Papers on Chocolate is so much easier and fun when you have an aptly written example piece right in front of you. Fortunately, blogger.com offers you unlimited access to free Chocolate Research Papers database you can utilize to thrive in the writing craft. Each Research Paper example can serve as a source of motivation for engaging topic ideas; Feb 23, · Chocolate Research Papers Example Abstract. This paper presents various aspects associated with chocolate. The paper provides information on how chocolate History. The evidence of chocolate was founded during 15th century in Pre-Columbian Mexico. Mayans & Aztecs used to Production. Chocolate This research study was carried out to produce quality biscuits using finger millet and cocoa powder with. different recipes of the following ingredients. Biscuits prepared from different recipes vs T1- Wheat flour +. Cocoa powder, T2- Finger millet + Wheat flour + Cocoa powder, T3- Finger millet + Soaked Kasakasa seeds
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