Laughter is the best medicine. It is a kind of exercise which relaxes all organs of the body. It greatly helps us a lot. It relaxes our mind and the body. It relieves us from worries, tensions, anger, and stress, grief and irritation and brings delight. It is a totally a boon Brown 1 Padin Brown Mary Chalaire ENGL 27 August Laughter Laughter could be the best medicine that no one thinks about, it helps you emotionally and mentally. I think one of my beliefs would have to be what laughter can actually do for us and how much it can actually help us. I think laughter can help emotionally, physically, and all kinds of different ways Mar 18, · Shared laughter is one of the most effective tools for keeping relationship frees and active. When we are depressed or sad, laughter is the best therapy for it. One cannot feel anxious, angry or sad while laughing. Laughter falls into five categories: Spontaneous laughter: It
Essay on Laughter is the Best Medicine for Children and Students
A good sense of humour is one of the most important tools in your self-care kit. In fact, laughter is the best medicine essay, studies show that laughter affects both your body and your mind. And laughter can relieve laughter is the best medicine essay, boost your immune system and even change your perspective on things.
Stress relief. Laughter lowers your blood pressure and pulse rate and helps your muscles to relax. Increased immunity. Laughter increases the number of antibody-producing cells and enhances the effectiveness of killer T-cells. This means a stronger immune system, as well as fewer physical effects and immune suppression caused by stress. Pain relief. Laughter increases the production of natural painkillers, thereby improving our tolerance to pain.
Muscle relaxation. Laughter exercises the diaphragm, contracts the abs and even works out the shoulders, leaving muscles more relaxed afterwards. It even provides a good workout for the heart. According to the late Dr Laurence Peter, author of The Peter Principle, the bigger the laugh, the lower the tension and the more long-lasting the relief. Humour gives us an entirely different perspective on our problems.
This gives us a sense of mastery laughter is the best medicine essay control over our environment, which helps us cope with adversity. Laughter diverts our attention away from our negative feelings like guilt, anger, and stress.
Improved social interaction. Laughter is contagious. It connects us to those around us, and can even be used to ease interpersonal tension — crack a joke during your next heated argument and see the tension melt away. back to top. How to lighten up Raise your laughter level with the following strategies: Surround yourself with humour.
Watch a funny movie, read a humorous book or a comic, or listen to your favourite stand-up comedian. Laugh with a friend or colleague. People tend to laugh more in social situations, so share the funnies with a friend. Look for humour in everyday life. Find the humour in every situation, even the stressful and unpleasant ones, and enjoy a good giggle now. Laugh at yourself. Poke fun at your own behaviour and idiosyncrasies.
With the improved immune system, reduce stressed, better coping ability and positive attitude that comes with laughter, you can survive almost anything too. Laughter the best medicine. Accessed October 7, laughter is the best medicine essay Laughter the best medicine Categories: Immunity Laughter Medicine Psychology.
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Essay Laughter is the best medicine - Importance of Laughter - Benefits of Laughter - proverb speech
, time: 2:59Laughter the best medicine Free Essay Example
Mar 29, · “ Laughter the best medicine ” Get high-quality paper NEW! AI matching with writer It counteracts your body’s stress response by lowering the stress hormones cortisol, epinephrine, adrenaline and dopamine. In addition, it releases “happy chemicals” in your brain, leaving you with a sense of well-being or even euphoria. Increased blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Mar 28, · ‘Laughter is the best medicine’ the phrase says it all. When you laugh you recover faster from several ailments and enjoy a healthy life. Laughter may not completely cure you but it will definitely help to improve your health faster as it will keep your mind and heart cheerful. Long and Short Essay on Laughter is the Best Medicine in EnglishEstimated Reading Time: 11 mins Oct 01, · Clearly something happened that the slide colour essay words on laughter is the best medicine and the clash of civilizations, both critiques of writing the text above quite quickly. Emergent, insomnia is problematic as well as the job rather than philosophically. Example project proposal may be plainly visible or invisible
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