Tuesday, October 12, 2021

How to write discussion section of dissertation

How to write discussion section of dissertation

how to write discussion section of dissertation

Writing a dissertation requires a student to think deeply, to organize technical discussion, to muster arguments that will convince other scientists, and to follow rules for rigorous, formal presentation of the arguments and discussion. A Rule Of Thumb: Good writing is essential in a dissertation Mar 21,  · How to write a discussion section. Published on March 21, by Shona McCombes. Revised on October 13, The discussion chapter is where you delve into the meaning, importance and relevance of your blogger.com should focus on explaining and evaluating what you found, showing how it relates to your literature review and research questions, and making an argument in support of your Aug 12,  · The Purpose of Dissertation Discussion Chapter Remember that the discussion section of a dissertation is the heart of your research because a) it will indicate your stance on the topic of research and b) it answers the research questions originally established in the Introduction chapter. Every piece of information you present here will add value to the existing literature within your field of

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The discussion section is a very important part of your dissertation or research paper. It is also one of the most difficult parts to write, and sometimes the longest. Yet, many students how to write discussion section of dissertation it in a rushed manner. Eager to reach the finishing line, they miss the opportunity to fully explore their findings and put them in the context of other research in the field.

The first rule that applies to writing your discussion is therefore to allow enough time to give it the credit that it deserve. Your discussion section allows you to take a fresh perspective on your findings, how to write discussion section of dissertation, so you can dig deep and provide new and original ideas from your research. Here are some of the common mistakes people make when writing their discussion section:. To avoid these mistakes, bear in mind that in your discussion section you are expected to interpret and explain your results, link them to other studies, answer your research question s and evaluate your study.

You can consider following this sequence: 1 refer to your research question; 2 provide the answer; 3 justify it with relevant results; 4 link your work to the work of others. Your discussion section is a review of your findings, and it should show you really understand them.

It is generally written in the present tense, and can have subheadings to make it easier to read. There are some similarities between the terms discussion and conclusion in academic writing.

These two terms usually represent two separate concepts, how to write discussion section of dissertation. While you might have noticed some similarities between the two, they both generally have a different purpose.

The discussion is a detailed presentation of your findings and provides scientific back-up for your arguments. It explains your findings and interprets them in context of previous work, as well as provides some suggestions for future research.

The conclusion, on the other hand, is generally brief and provides just the main points of your dissertation ; i. the take-home message. It can be seen as a summary of your discussion and tells the reader why your research matters.

For a more thorough description of the term conclusion as it applies to academic writing, you can refer to this post. If you decide to combine these two concepts, it is important how to write discussion section of dissertation you cover all of your required topics in a systematic way. At all times, cultivate creative thinking and make sure you are telling the reader a coherent narrative that is hopefully making them excited about your results.

Dissertations Qualitative Research Quantitative Research Academic Writing Getting Published. How to Write a Good Discussion Section September 19, Posted by: Mike Rucker Category: Academic Writing No Comments.

Here are some of the common mistakes people make when writing their discussion section: Simply repeating their results section, with little reference to existing literature. Making conclusions that cannot be made from their data — how to write discussion section of dissertation need to be able to differentiate between strong and weak results do not exaggerate your findings.

Focusing too much on the limitations of the study, which can make readers question the relevance of the work. In contrast, some can completely forget to acknowledge the limitations of their study. Repeating what was already said in the introduction without linking it to the results. Providing no conclusions. You should refer back to your introduction and establish if what you found was consistent with the existing literature, or if it was somewhat unexpected or controversial.

Did your sampling method contribute to it? Or your choice of methodology? At this point, make sure you have sufficiently justified your methodological decisions in the methodology part of your thesis. Unusual findings can be good, but they might also elicit more questions from the committee and other readers, so make sure you have all the answers.

Try to show both sides of your argument. This will give your conclusions more credence. Again, somewhere in your discussion section show that you are aware of the limitations of your study. Provide one or two recommendations for future research or follow-up studies. Make sure you address all your results, including those that were not statistically significant. You might also want to revisit your introduction section at this point and put more emphasis on studies that have proven relevant for the interpretation of your results, how to write discussion section of dissertation.

What is the difference between a discussion section and your conclusion?

Day 19 - How to Write the Findings \u0026 the Discussion section of a Systematic Literature Review Paper

, time: 5:22

Discussion Section | How to Write a for a research paper

how to write discussion section of dissertation

Sep 19,  · The discussion section is a very important part of your dissertation or research paper. It is also one of the most difficult parts to write, and sometimes the longest. Yet, many students write it in a rushed manner. Eager to reach the finishing line, they miss the opportunity to How to write a discussion section for a research paper? The 5 step process of writing the discussion section in the research paper is: Step 1: Highlighting the most important results. You need to begin writing the discussion section by stating the research problem. After describing the problem statement you need to provide a summary of key Nov 05,  · This article gives doctoral dissertation students valuable guidance on how to go about writing their Discussion chapter. The article starts by outlining the main goals and writing approaches. Then the article explains 12 specific steps to take to write an effective discussion chapter. Discussion Chapter: Main Goals and Writing Approaches You should always keep in [ ]

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