Jun 28, · Essays for Looking for Richard. Looking for Richard essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Looking for Richard by Al Pacino. King Richard III and Looking for Richard; The Nature of Power in Looking for Richard & Richard IIIEstimated Reading Time: 3 mins Oct 03, · Four centuries later, Al Pacino’s ‘Looking for Richard’ reflects the director’s quest to come to terms with a Shakespearean text in a contemporary context, providing a personal examination of the same Richard’s behaviour, whist simultaneously reflects the post modern era with the absence of divine order and the change in views of conscience. Ultimately, it is through the study of these texts Mar 09, · This desire is depicted through the doco-drama ‘Looking for Richard’ (‘LFR’) by Al Pacino. Pacino explores his contextual society’s values and the impact they have upon art and theatre as he seeks to find connections and comparisons between the values of Shakespeare, Shakespeare’s contextual society and his own contemporary audience. - Shakespeare’s personal values are depicted
King Richard III & Looking for Richard | blogger.com
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. A limited time offer! Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. The influence of these themes or values however, al pacino looking for richard essay, is subject to the context of the audience. Both texts explore the characterisation of the main character Richard and how he is presented. They explore the craft of performance, al pacino looking for richard essay, presenting two different approaches to al pacino looking for richard essay and ownership of the actor.
The theme of ambition is also prominent in the opening scenes of the texts as audience members are both implicitly and explicitly presented the objectives of the composers and Richard throughout the productions.
Due to the mediums of the texts these themes are conveyed using different devices available to plays and documentaries respectively. The storyline is also altered through certain omission and additions highlighting certain aspects of the plot to suit his objective.
It is important also to note the differing purposes of the two texts when considering not only links between them but also their differences. Context, medium and purpose With a different context the need to present a text in a different medium arises. Shakespeare in contrast, al pacino looking for richard essay, targeting his play at an Elizabethan audience, created King Richard III as a propaganda piece for Queen Elizabeth, establishing the legitimacy of her reign.
He aimed to charm and entertain the audience through language and the discussion of relevant issues surrounding morality, conscience and deceit.
This focus on entertainment is common to both texts however, is presented differently in order to be effective. Characterisation of Richard Richard the protagonist, played by Al Pacino in Looking for Richard is immediately established to be a deformed character. Although Richard is involved with deception, plotting and murder even against his own family the audience does not feel hatred towards the Machiavellian villain an important feature of both texts that is necessary for the success of both texts.
The language is highlighted as a barrier to this association. Shakespeare presents the notion that all actions are constructed and therefore are based on deceit and lies, while Al Pacino sees actors as the owners of truth and are solely responsible for the understanding of Shakespeare and conveying his true intended purpose. Shakespeare as already mentioned in creating King Richard III as a propaganda piece needs to ensure the audience agrees upon his viewpoint.
Al Pacino uses a theme song to ease the transition from recreation of the play to discussion or voxpopuli about King Richard III. Shakespeare instead focuses on soliloquies contrasted with interaction with other characters to show different stages of the play. Theme of ambition Ambition is a central theme not only in the opening scenes but also throughout the development of both texts. Al Pacino instead is aware of the difference in values of a contemporary audience and the acceptance of diversity and minority groups.
Looking for Richard creates a feeling of empathy for Richard, possible through a cultural shift. his deformity and unfavourable physical appearance. Omissions and highlighting certain parts Although the main plot and storyline of King Richard III is presented in Looking for Richard, Al Pacino has also omitted certain parts of the play and instead highlighted others.
These decisions reflect his agenda and aim in creating his documentary. The act of selecting characters for Lady Anne and deciding on locations for filming highlights again the constructed nature of the documentary but also explains that intended actors and presentation is importance.
The changing of the historical setting was necessary if Al Pacino did not wish the change any of the dialogue. The contexts create for the texts to be presented through different mediums and these easily connect with the respective audience. Both texts have a set purpose and audience. Characterisation of Richard and the exploration of the craft of performance al pacino looking for richard essay conveyed though differing al pacino looking for richard essay with a strong emphasis on the composers control and input to a work.
The notion of ambition is central to the opening scenes of both texts and audiences are empowered through dramatic irony and narration intrusion to establish a connection with the characters. Looking for Richard both enhances but alters the original text as it highlights aspects relevant to a contemporary audience, creating links between the two.
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Looking for Richard
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Jun 28, · Essays for Looking for Richard. Looking for Richard essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Looking for Richard by Al Pacino. King Richard III and Looking for Richard; The Nature of Power in Looking for Richard & Richard IIIEstimated Reading Time: 3 mins Module A – Essay. A comparative study of two texts enables the responder to reflect on the factors which motivate and shape our actions in life. The struggle for power and the quest to uphold a moral façade is explored in a comparative study of Shakespeare’s historical play, Richard III, and Al Pacino’s docudrama Looking for Richard, through the depiction of the characters as detached from, and Oct 03, · Four centuries later, Al Pacino’s ‘Looking for Richard’ reflects the director’s quest to come to terms with a Shakespearean text in a contemporary context, providing a personal examination of the same Richard’s behaviour, whist simultaneously reflects the post modern era with the absence of divine order and the change in views of conscience. Ultimately, it is through the study of these texts
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